Saturday, March 20, 2010

Naturally antibiotic, could wood be cleaner than plastic?

     Most people like the idea of wooden toys. Less chemicals, and a more environmentally sustainable material appeals to many. However, especially with baby toys many people feel that surely it can not be as clean as plastic toys.
    It seems a logical concern that because wood is more porous it would hold bacteria longer than a non-porous surface like plastic. This article (Click Here) shows a scientific study that was done to compare wooden cutting boards and plastic cutting boards used to cut bacteria filled raw meats.  Much to the initial surprise of the investigators, they discovered that wood possesses natural antibacterial properties. They found that when brand new, both wood and plastic both cleaned easily and effectively with  soap and water. However, with continued use they could no longer remove the bacteria from the surface of the plastic it would get caught in the tiny scratches and remain on the surface each time they tested for it even after cleaning . The surface of the wood however even with scratches, continued to come up free of bacteria. What little bacteria may have gotten caught was killed by naturally occuring antibacterial properties of the wood itself!!
To see all my wooden baby toys CLICK HERE


Jen from SewnNatural said...

This post was fantastic! Thanks for sharing this info - great to know. Another reason why wood is one of the best things for wee ones to chew on and play with... and your pieces are so beautiful!

woolies said...

I would love to show that study to my hubby - who insists that wood cutting boards are germ ridden. I miss my wooden cutting boards.

Hey - you should make a rhyming poem of this!

* said...

thanks for sharing this information. one more reason to stick with my no-plastics rule!

mrsbeccijo said...

Great post! I love finding out that wooden cutting board are safe/safer!


germandolls said...

Maybe time to throw out those plastic cutting boards...I prefer wood too! Thanks for sharing the study and educating us!

Manhattan Air Specialists said...

This is great to know.that wood has more to offer in every possible way.They not only suit the aesthetics of the eye they look after the health of the children and the earth.

Anonymous said...

Wooden Puzzles
I prefer wood too! Thanks for sharing the study and educating us!A must have educational toy for kids