Sunday, February 22, 2009

Teethers for tiny toddlers

I have a lot of interesting requests lately for various toys and have had a lot of fun making "new" toys. My favorite and most popular new thing have been these baby teethers. because they involve a good bit more work than the other toys. I am charging a little bit more than the standard animals but they are still a bargain at only 7 dollars each!

here is the prose that I posted with the turtle

If tiny toothless toddlers could talk they'ld tell you this totally natural toy turtle is terrific for teething.this turtle teething toy is made totally of maple tree. No added trimmings or toppings at all.So toss a teething turtle toy into your cart today if you tend to any toothless toddlers .

Details: made of meticulously sanded maple it is 2.25 inches tall, and 4 inches long.

Let me know what you think of them

1 comment:

Melissa H said...

Taegan totally thinks his Turtle teether is terrific! :)